Monitor and
Control Devices

Remotely & Securely (Empowered By Blockchain)

Predict Device

AI + IoT optimize operations

Integrate Devices

Support LTE/5G connections and industrial protocols

IoT Secured by Blockchain

A zero-trust platform as a service (PaaS) IIoT that securely monitors,
controls and maintains industrial devices over the internet.

InfiIoT - A Platform as a Service for industrial IoT

InfiIoT : a Platform as a Service for industrial IoT

Securely monitor and control industrial equipment and optimize operations with a code-less machine learning service.


InfiConnector : connect industrial devices to the cloud

Install InfiConnector middleware on gateways or industrial PCs and securely connect various industrial equipment to the cloud.

Our Partners

Are you interested to know more?

We are here to make your facility more intelligent. Please contact us for free advice.